Andrea Tkačuková
Andrea Tkačuková is co-founder and CEO of the Foreigners, s.r.o. agency, that provides complex services for foreigners, who moved to czech Republic. In the 13 years of operation they were able to help more than 18 000 happy clients. All the newcomers get great living conditions and all the help they need thanks to the 40 people team that she leads and her own 100% dedication to her work. Andrea herself and thus her agency prioritise understanding and respecting other cultures and she considers the differences and diversity an enrichment and opportunity to grow and learn.
Andrea is no only competent manager and great lecturer, but wife and mother as well. It is crucial for her to keep balance between personal life and work and she does everything possible to keep it healthy and just right. She keeps educating in the HR field and personal growth. She participates in different public events concerning personal growth, business and motivation as a menor. For example Equal Pay Day conference, PechaKuchaNight or HR Fórum.
Andrea is no only competent manager and great lecturer, but wife and mother as well. It is crucial for her to keep balance between personal life and work and she does everything possible to keep it healthy and just right. She keeps educating in the HR field and personal growth. She participates in different public events concerning personal growth, business and motivation as a menor. For example Equal Pay Day conference, PechaKuchaNight or HR Fórum.
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